Out of State DUI
If you are a resident of Winchester City, Clarke, Frederick, Warren, Shenandoah or Page counties and have been convicted of a DWI or deferred disposition in another state, Old Dominion Alcohol Safety Action Program may be able to assist you with services. Old Dominion ASAP is the local certified VASAP office in your hometown. The Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP) is the Commonwealth’s program where all Virginia Driving Under the Influence offenders are required to attend.
To seek services for an out of state DUI or deferred judgment you may bring the following paperwork to Old Dominion ASAP’s main office:
1) documentation of the conviction or charge you have had in the other state,
2) the requirements of the other state and
3) the agency and address of who to report to
The cost of the program is $400 due in full in the form of a money order or debit/credit card (with proper identification).