Mask or face covering must be worn upon enter the facility.
Please follow the CDC guidelines for social distancing.
Onsite visits will be no longer than thirty minutes (30).
On-demand visits will be no longer than fifteen minutes (15).
Persons 18 years or older may visit inmates.
Persons less than 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult at least 21 years old.
Visitation schedule is listed below. All Visitors must leave the visitation area when the visitation time is completed.
No more than (2) adults and (1) child or (1) adult and (2) children may visit at one time.
All visitors must arrive thirty (30) minutes prior to the beginning of each visit for registration purposes.
All visitors must present a valid state driver’s license or other current photo identification and must be included as an authorized visitor on the inmate’s visitation list before being permitted to visit.
Introduction of weapons, illegal substances, tobacco products, drugs, and/or contraband or prohibited items into the Detention Center is in violation of the Code of Virginia and subject to criminal prosecution.
Loud, obscene or argumentative behavior is prohibited and will result in termination of visit and possible permanent revocation of visitation privileges.
Inappropriate displays of affection, suggestive behavior and/or inappropriate dress may result in denial of visitation or termination of visit.
Provocative or revealing clothing is prohibited. See-through garments, unfastened clothing or otherwise obscene clothing is prohibited. Exposure of the stomach, back, shoulder, chest, midriff, or underarm areas in the visitation area is prohibited. Shorts, dresses and skirts may be no shorter than 4” above the knee.
All visitors must maintain personal hygiene at all times.
Visitors may not give up their visitation seat or exchange seats in the visitation area.
Visits will be terminated if a member of the visiting party leaves the visitation area without approval of correctional staff.
Visitors must remain seated at all times.
Visitors may carry prescription glasses, and visitors with children may carry one (1) diaper and baby bottle into the visitation area.
Intoxicated visitors will be denied access into the Detention Center and may be subject to arrest.
Visitors who litter on the Detention Center premises shall be denied visitation privileges.
Smoking, possession of tobacco products, drinking or eating inside the visitation area is prohibited. Violation will result in visit termination.