The Mission of Old Dominion Court Services – Pretrial Services is to promote public safety and court appearance by assisting judicial officers in making objective, risk-informed decisions regarding the release of defendants pending trial and supervising conditions of bail while honoring the Constitution, legal and equal rights of defendants.

The Pretrial Services Agency is designed to aid the courts in the initial processing of defendants, reducing jail overcrowding, and upholding public safety. The program accomplishes these tasks through screening and background information about the defendants being provided to the Judiciary at court hearings, as well as supervising defendants awaiting trial.

An integral responsibility of Pretrial Services is to provide background information to the Courts on newly arrested defendants to assist Judges in the pretrial phase of the judicial process. Pretrial Investigation Officers screen defendants who are being held at the Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center awaiting their first court appearance. These officers collect and verify demographic information, criminal history and other information regarding substance abuse, mental health treatment and/or medical problems. The Pretrial Investigation Officers complete a validated risk assessment based on the information collected and make a recommendation to the Courts in reference to a defendant’s bail. The defendant may be recommended for continued detention, pretrial supervision, a monetary secured bond and/or release with a promise to appear (Personal Recognizance Bond). When a recommendation for release with pretrial supervision is made, a defendant is referred to the program by the Court.

Pretrial Services are provided to the City of Winchester, and Counties of Clarke and Frederick. If the Magistrate or Judge includes the special condition of Pretrial Supervision on the Defendant’s bail, the client must contact Pretrial Services within 24 hours. Pretrial Officers provide supervision for these defendants until a final disposition is reached in their court case. When defendants are referred to the ODCS Pretrial Services Agency, there may be additional conditions ordered by a Judicial Officer. ODCS will report compliance of these conditions, as well as overall supervision compliance to the Courts.

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