Ignition Interlock
Ignition Interlock
What is an ignition interlock? An ignition interlock is a device that is installed in a motor vehicle to prevent alcohol-impaired individuals from driving. Before starting the vehicle, you will be required to blow into the ignition interlock’s mouthpiece to provide a breath sample for analysis. If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above the pre-set limit (0.02), the vehicle will not start. Once the vehicle is started, you may be required to submit additional breath samples at random times while the engine is running. Failing, or not submitting a breath sample for one of the “rolling retests” will cause your vehicle headlights, parking lights, or emergency lights to flash and your horn to sound. The ignition interlock contains a datalogger that records all vehicle activity, test results, and violations.
Why must I have an ignition interlock? The code of Virginia 18.2-270.1, states that an offender convicted of driving under the influence in Virginia shall be required to have an ignition interlock device installed on his/her car as a condition of a restricted license or license restoration.
How long will the ignition interlock be on my vehicle? The device must be installed for a minimum of six consecutive months, but for no longer than the period of license suspension and restriction. During this time, you must have no alcohol-related interlock violations. Verified violations will result in the calculation of the six-month installation period being restarted.
What if I own more than one vehicle? Current Virginia law requires that, for a first driving under the influence conviction, an ignition interlock shall be installed on any motor vehicle operated by the offender. If convicted of a 2nd or subsequent driving under the influence conviction, an ignition interlock shall be installed on all motor vehicles owned by or registered to the offender, in whole or in part.
How do I get the ignition interlock installed? When you report to the local ASAP office, you will be given a list of ignition interlock vendors. You will be responsible for choosing a vendor after receiving the list. Once you have selected a vendor, you should notify the ASAP office. Your ASAP case manager will send a referral form to the vendor authorizing the installation of your ignition interlock device. You will be responsible for calling the vendor to schedule the installation appointment.
Smart Start, Inc (800)880-3394
RoadGuard (800)332-6858
LifeSafer (866)202-3381
How do I operate the ignition interlock? When you report for your installation appointment, the vendor will provide you with detailed instructions and training regarding the proper operation and care of the ignition interlock device.
What do I need to bring to the installation appointment? You should bring a valid picture identification and the vehicle registration card. If you are having the interlock installed on someone else’s vehicle, you will need for the owner to either come with you to the installation appointment or provide a notarized statement authorizing installation of the device. If other family members will be driving the vehicle, they should come with you to the appointment for training.
How often do I have to report to the vendor’s service center? After the initial installation of the ignition interlock, you will be required to report to the vendor’s service center at least every 30 days. During these visits, the vendor will download all data from the datalogger and calibrate the device. You are responsible for making these monthly monitoring appointments with the vendor.
How much does the ignition interlock cost? Installation of the device costs $65.00. You may also purchase optional insurance to cover damage or theft of the unit. Vendors may charge up to $80 for each monthly monitoring appointment. There is no charge for device removal. The above prices do not include applicable taxes or fees for returned checks.
What happens if I miss my monitoring appointment? State law requires that your ignition interlock be serviced at least every 30 days. If you miss an appointment, you will be charged a rescheduling fee. Also, if you miss an appointment and delay too long, you may be “locked out” by the device, possibly requiring that your vehicle be towed into the service center at your expense.
What are the penalties for not complying with the ignition interlock program? Your ASAP case manager and the ignition interlock vendor will review the conditions of your probation and the terms of the interlock program. You will be required to sign a participation agreement. Violations include positive BACs on breath tests, failing to submit to a test when required, failing to submit to a test when required, failing to report to the vendor’s service center for required appointments, tampering with the ignition interlock device or otherwise attempting to circumvent it, and driving a vehicle not equipped with an ignition interlock. Some of these violations may result in additional criminal charges. Remember, you must have no alcohol-related violations during your ignition interlock requirement. All violations will be reported to your ASAP case manager and may result in your return to court for noncompliance.
What if I have a complaint? If you experience any problems related to your device or service, you should first advise the vendor or your ASAP case manager. If your problem is not successfully resolved, you may contact the director of your assigned ASAP. The Commission on VASAP is available for you at (804)786-5895 if your problem is not resolved by one of the mean referenced above.
The cost of this service is $50 a month/$300 for six (6) month period which must be paid in full at the time of enrollment. You will be responsible for the payment to the interlock vendor. To seek this service please complete the following “Application for Services at Old Dominion ASAP”. You may view and print the “Ignition Interlock Enrollment Form” for services.