Intervention Interview
Intervention Interview
Old Dominion ASAP provides the Intervention Interview, which is required by Virginia code 46.2-301. The Virginia DMV identifies when a driver incurs two Driving on Suspended convictions for failure to pay fines on their driving record within a ten year period of time. In turn the driver is notified by a letter from DMV that they are required to complete an Intervention Interview at a local certified VASAP office. The intervention educates the offender about the consequences of further charges and how to address the behaviors that have resulted in the offenses.
The Interview is held at Old Dominion ASAP’s main office in Winchester once a month. Advance registration is required. The interviews are booked on a first come first served basis. To enroll complete the "Intervention Interview Enrollment Form" and bring a $30 money order to the Old Dominion ASAP office. Enrollments are taken Monday through Thursday from 8AM to 3PM or Friday mornings between the hours of 8AM and 11AM.